When should hypnosis be used?

When we talk about hypnosis, the first thing that comes to mind is a music hall show. A hypnotist puts a person on stage to sleep by holding their hand, or even almost the entire audience with a snap of the fingers. However, this playful, even…

Anorexia, bulimia... should we seek help?

Anorexia and bulimia are referred to as anxiety disorders of depression. Most of the time, they are considered as eating disorders, but the root of the problem goes far beyond a compensating ritual in patients. Thus, the solution is no longer…

Benefits provided by a gestalt-therapist

The fields of action of a gestalt-therapist Gestalt therapy is a form of psychological treatment, an approach that addresses the way we understand, feel and think about what is happening around us. It helps everyone to make decisions in order…

Tips for getting out of depression

How do you cope with depression? Depression is an illness: it is not a weakness of character. It can last a few weeks, months or years. It requires medical care and its cure is not a matter of free will. Five symptoms can be identified during…
Pour soigner le Burn Out il est nécessaire de se faire soigner par un spécialiste à Paris

Recognize burn-out and get help

Burnout is a state of physical, mental and emotional fatigue resulting from the constant stress of work. It can affect all working people regardless of their socio-professional category and age. In fact, more and more students and teenagers…
Faire appel à un maternologue comme Martine Valton Jouffroy à paris

Why call a maternity specialist?

Although having a child is a dream for many people, the arrival of a baby can create disorders in the mother or even tensions within the couple. This results from the fact that she wasn't prepared enough for what's in store for her once the…
Pour faire face à la gestion du stress à paris vous pouvez consulter un spécialiste

Stress management: who to consult and why?

It is common to feel stressed when personal or professional relationships are strained or when pressure at the office becomes too much. On the other hand, it is not normal to feel stressed all the time. Continuous stress has a particularly negative…
Les symptômes et les traitements de la dépression Post-Partum à découvrir à Paris avec une spécialiste

Postpartum Depression: Solutions for Young Mothers

Postpartum depression (PPD) occurs 2 to 8 weeks after the birth of a child. Suffering young mothers exhibit depressive and anxious behaviour. Focus on the signs of this disorder and the treatments recommended to help young mothers. Martine Valton…
La dépression hivernale se combat de plusieurs façons

Winter depression: how to detect it and deal with it ?

Millions of people say they suffer from winter-related mood swings. Winter blues is a reality that can sometimes even turn into a real depression. There is tangible scientific evidence to support the idea that this season is affecting us. What…
comment bien communiquer dans son couple

Couple: How to communicate well in all circumstances

Communicating in a couple is the cornerstone of a fulfilling relationship ... and the keystone of its longevity. But communicating is not necessarily innate, and does not mean, for example, that you should decipher everything constantly or talk…