Les mots d'un spécialiste servent à soigner des maux profonds lors d'une thérapie

Pains to understand, words to cure

Recurrent headaches or stomach pain, a repeatedly blocked back, eczema, hernia, sciatica, allergy ... There are physical pains and diseases that originate from strictly mechanical problems, but others however have a psychological reason. The…
La crise d'angoisse ou de panique est à traiter par une thérapie comportementale

Panic Attack : what to do And how to care for the long term?

Whether it occurs in the middle of the day or in the middle of the night, faced with a well-identified situation or for no apparent reason, the panic attack or anxiety crisis results in a feeling of intense fear combined with perceptible physical…

Why am I obsessed by my appearance ?

Several factors influence the way women feel about their bodies, but the standards we’re given are often unachievable targets. For the majority of women, the fact of the matter is—and will always be—that it’s impossible to look like…